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Goal Setting with Flower Essences January 17th Hawai’i, 1/18 in Japan on Zoom

Goal Setting with Flower Essences January 17th Hawai’i, 1/18 in Japan on Zoom

Regular price $149.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $149.00 USD
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Goal setting workshop with Hawaiian Flower Essences included! Available in Japanese and English.
Make your dreams come true in 2023! Meditation, clarity and planning to bring forward your heart’s desires.


Goal setting workshop

Our goal setting workshop is more than other goal setting; it's a comprehensive way to deal with self-revelation and indication. By integrating Hawaiian Flower Essences, known for their capacity to adjust feelings and open inward potential, we establish a smart goal setting where your actual longings can come to the very front. These characters, got from the immaculate and lively greenery of Hawaii, add a remarkable aspect to the goal setting workshop, upgrading your association with nature and your internal identity Through guided meditation , you'll find the sense of calmness necessary to listen deeply to your heart..


Make your dreams come true in 2025! Bloom into Abundace!
Let’s plan on getting what we want in 2025.
In this NEW goal setting workshop we will:
other high level people and experiences.
MEDITATE to understand the desires of your Heart & Spirit.
Envision what you want to CREATE in your life this year.
Use energy TOOLS to raise your vibration
Choose the GOALS you want to achieve
Identify the ACTIONS that will help you achieve them
Make a PLAN to Make It Happen!
Workshop Date: Sunday 1/17/2025 4-5:30pm Hawaii Time on ZOOM
Includes 8 worksheets to help identify compassionate and achievable goals,
even if you are unsure of what you want. A great resource that you can use multiple times.
Includes 1 bottle of Banana TAKE ACTION flower essences (or your choice) that will be shipped to you at no extra charge.
Lecture & Activities: 90 minutes
Breakout Activities with Q & A with Melia: 60 minutes
Join me and other flower essences students to Bloom into Abundance!
日本時間1月18日(月)11時〜12:30時半 Japan Time
新ワークショップ開催決定! メリアとの2025年のゴール設定ワークショップではこんなことを一緒に体験します。フラワーエッセンスを学ぶ生徒さんもそうでない方も、どうぞご参加ください♪
ワークショップ内容: 講義とワーク:90分 少人数のグループルームとメリアとのQ & A質疑応答:60分

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